A Blessed Shabbat

My sandals squeak on the stones of an ancient Jerusalem street. The beauty of this special Shabbat morning drenches me in joy. I am in awe of the goodness of God. Yes, the week past has been a bumpy one. Yes, there have been multiple clashes and pains. But does that change the goodness of our Lord? Does that lessen his love for us? His power to restore shalom through us working His will? I think that it is through the pains that my joy is increased. Its is over the bumps that I gain endurance and learn to appreciate the multitude of small blessings that my Maker gives throughout my days.

So, I think I’m slowly learning. I get impatient. Critical. Frustrated. Psalm 148 pulls me up short with the very first line. Praise the LORD. Okay, girl, think a bit. Why are you in Israel? Why did I bring you to this land? To fuss and fume? To be unthankful? Or was it to praise? To laud my name with the way you live your life? With every breath you breath? I continue reading and I bow at HIS feet. I’m sorry LORD. I’m sorry for the fumbling, the failure. Give me grace to do better. To BE better. I get to the end of the psalm and am blessed with HIS promise. And he has raised up for his people a horn, the praise of all his faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to his heart. Praise the LORD.

Today was such an amazing day. Celebrating my 21st in Jerusalem; how can it get better than that, really? We worshiped with the wonderful folk at the Narkis Street Congregation this morning. It was good to connect. With our Father and then with his children after the services. The message was shared with us from a man that originates from Germany but has had the unique privilege to study under Dr. Flusser. His main focus was on the passage in Matthew 14 when the disciples were in the boat on the Galilee and a massive storm came up. It is now in the early morning hours, still very dark, and the disciples have been battling the waves all night,suddenly this person comes walking across the waves. They yell, “Ahhh, a ghost!” “Take courage, it’s I. Don’t be afraid.” “Well, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water,” Peter replied. “Come,” the man says. Come. Its as simple as that. Will we just listen like Peter did? Trust because HE says come? When I am in my boat of life and the storms of life come crashing around me, do I in faith reach out my hand and accept the masters guiding hand on my life? Wow. He added a interestingly, different dimension to the story, one that will stay with us for a long time. After fellowship and sharing with some very wonderful people some that we had met before, David and Josa Bivin as well as some new faces, Emanuel & Pheobe King and Randall Buth, just to mention a few. I also met Keith and Laura and found out that Laura and I share birthdays! How cool is that! 🙂 We stopped briefly at a park on our way back home and enjoyed a snack of plums and apples that we had taken for just that purpose.

After arriving home we enjoyed some amazing pita and hummus as well as R&R and quiet time before heading off to find where Jon and Laurie Witty live. What a wonderful aroma greeted us! Tacos, chips, coke and chocolate chip cookies! But even more than the food was the sweet fellowship that created a blessed ending to a wonderful Shabbat.

Blessings to all of you and may the Lord God King of the universe keep His hand over you this week.

Shalom, Rosetta & Verna

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