Talmidim Studies

Our MissionOur mission at Talmidim Studies is to see the the church come alive through individuals
who are committed to obeying the great commission, to make many disciples “talmidim,”
It is our vision to walk with God’s people to teach and equip them with the tools to
strengthen the church.

As we examine the scripture in its historical context and employ the original languages,
we begin to see a very vivid picture of what God intends for his church to be. People
who passionately walk as Jesus walked, to bring about the kingdom, to fulfill the
covenant of Abraham and to be led by the Holy Sprit.

Our desire is to love the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our
strength. Deuteronomy 6:5 …and love our neighbor as ourself. Matthew 22:39 · Mark 12:31 · Luke 10:27

Visit our website to find out more about the ministry at talmidimstudies.org